The MC Report Interview featuring Prof. Gerd Bramerdorfer

Professor Gerd Bramerdorfer (JKU Institute for Electrical Drives and Power Electronics) talks about current technological advancements.

Gerd Bramerdorfer; Credit: JKU
Gerd Bramerdorfer; Credit: JKU

Gerd Bramerdorfer, a professor at the JKU, is head of the Institute for Electric Drives and Power Electronics. A 2023 publication ranked Gerd Bramerdorfer among the top 0.6% of researchers worldwide. In 2022, Prof. Bramerdorfer was also a recipient of an ERC Starting Grant.

During the interview, he not only talks about his current research projects, he also comments on the ever-increasing importance of more sustainable and socially acceptable electrical machines.

Click here, opens an external URL in a new window to read the interview.