Linz Sociologists Presented with the Bruno Kreisky Award

The Karl Renner Institute presented sociologists Johann Bacher, Waltraud Kannonier-Finster and Meinrad Ziegler with the 2018 Bruno Kreisky Award.

[Translate to Englisch:] V.l.: Bacher, Maltschnig und Ziegler
[Translate to Englisch:] Karl-Renner-Institut/Hetzmannseder

Johann Bacher, professor for Sociology and Empirical Social Research at the Johannes Kepler University, Kannonier-Finster, a JKU graduate and retired Assist. Prof. at the Institute for Sociology at the University of Innsbruck, and Meinrad Ziegler, a.o. Professor at the Institute for Sociology at the JKU (retired), were presented with a special award “Arbeitswelten – Bildungswelten” for their book about Marie Jahoda.

During her opening remarks, Maria Maltschnig, Director of the Renner Institute, emphasized the scientific and political significance of the Marienthal study Jahod conducted during the 1930s together with Paul Lazarsfeld and Hans Zeisel. For the first time, the study looked at a community and applied several methods of social research to show the fatal psychological and social consequences of long-term unemployment. The research findings continue to hold their validity to today.

“Much to Learn In Terms of Content, Methodology, and Humanity”
For Prof. Bacher, publishing the dissertation that formed the core of the award-winning book was a natural course of action: “Through her case studies, Marie Jahoda succeeded in bringing a certain period of time to life; a period which we often only know about through social surveys or socially critical novels.” Prof. Kannonier-Finster remarked, “…we could learn much from Jahoda in terms of content and method but also as a person.” Prof. Ziegler added that Jahoda represented a broader, anthropological concept of work. For Jahoda, work was “…more than gainful employment – it satisfied a central human need.”

Link to the book: