Making Music – with the Help of JKU-AI

"Con Espressione" – with feeling -  is an expression used in classical music and also the title of a JKU exhibition about Music-AI.

The 6-month "La La Lab" science exhibition on mathematics in music recently opened in Heidelberg. At the beginning of last week, visitors at the AEC in Linz have also had the opportunity to explore this topic. Prof. Gerhard Widmer and his team at the Institute of Computational Perception have made major contributions to both exhibitions: "Con Espressione".

An interactive AI computer system allows visitors to control the tempo and volume of various piano pieces (including Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata") in real-time through hand gestures in the air.  The AI simultaneously contributes important local details such as articulation, timing, etc. to the performance. The AI computer system lets man and machine work together - ideally - to create lively, expressive musical interpretations.

The title of the JKU exhibition is a classical music term, but also refers specifically to Gerhard Widmer's ERC Advanced Grant project "Con Espressione", in which, among other things, researches computer models for the expressive interpretation of music.