News Archive.

Magistra Doris Hummer, Präsidentin der WKO Oberösterreich; Credit: Starmayr

Science Up Close and Personal: The LIT OIC Introduces Itself

There is a lot going on at the JKU Open Innovation Center and would like to take the opportunity to introduce some of the companies and partners based…

Doktor Alwin Zulehner

JKU Researcher Presented with the 2020 Heinz Zemanek Award

Alwin Zulehner is the recipient of the 2020 Heinz Zemanek Prize in recognition of his outstanding dissertation in computer science.


Overcoming Exam Fear

Early summer is examination time. Our psychologists have tips and advice to help you reduce anxiety and get through this year’s examination period.

Künstlerische Darstellung des fertigen Teleskops am Cerro Amazones in Chile. (© ESO/L. Calçada)

Milestone for a New Era Observing Earth-Like Exoplanets

Important milestone: The METIS device for the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) at the European Southern Observatory (ESO) aims to find Earth-like…

Professor Rupert Langer

New Department Chair of Pathology and Molecular Pathology at the JKU Faculty of Medicine

The JKU Faculty of Medicine is pleased to welcome renowned pathologist and scientist, Prof. Rupert Langer.

Professor Rupert Langer

New Department Chair of Pathology and Molecular Pathology at the JKU Faculty of Medicine

The JKU Faculty of Medicine is pleased to welcome renowned pathologist and scientist, Prof. Rupert Langer.

Mittels modernster massenspektrometrischer Verfahren haben die Forscher*innen Proteomics-, Metabolomics- und Lipidomics-Datensätze erhoben und zusammengeführt (© Institut für Analytische Chemie)

Vicious Molecular Circle: Medulloblastomas

Using a post-genomic analysis procedure, researchers in Vienna and Linz expound on the disease mechanisms for recurrent brain tumors.

Durchbruch nach 50 Jahren Forschung ebnet den Weg für photonische Computerchips

A Breakthrough after 50 Years: Paving the Way for Photonic Computer Chips

International project with JKU participation increases data rates by a factor of 1,000


The JKU Thanks Its Donors to the Linz University Fund

Independent, base-knowledge research is enormously important, particularly in times like these. The donors to the Linz University Fund make important…