What Does it Mean to Actively Take Examinations?
Bachelor's, Master's, and Diploma degree programs are considered "prüfungsaktive" programs (meaning students are required to actively take examinations), providing a minimum of 16 ECTS credits or passing grades amounting to a minimum of eight semester hours have been completed during the same academic year in that major. Each major is taken individually into account. You cannnot "add together" grades and examinations from different majors.
Corresponding regulations as outlined in § 3 are available in the "University Funding Ordinance, opens an external URL in a new window"
Why is Examination Activity Important?
Examination activity is an integral part of the way the university is funded. The more of these kinds of degree programs the JKU has, the more funds the university receives for education and research as well as to improvie academic student supervision and administration. A high level of examination activity is therefore in the interest of all students.
What Can I Do?
There are many reasons for someone to be (temporarily) inactive when it comes to taking examinations (job responsibilities, family reasons, a stay abroad, etc.).
If you find you cannot actively pursue an academic degree at a certain time period, you can apply to take an official two-semester leave of absence. Click on www.jku.at/beurlaubung to learn more about taking a leave of absence.
If you are enrolled in one or more majors that you do not intend to complete, we would ask you to drop that major.
Please note: In regards to discontinuing majors, you can no longer be re-admitted to studies. In this case, we recommend applying for a leave of absence.
Leave of Absence from Studies