Welcome to the Office of the Rectorate!

An idea is at its best when put into action. This requires support services and a dedicated team. This is exactly what the Office of the Rector is for.

We aim to turn the Rector's vision into reality by helping to prepare strategic decisions, coordinate negotiations, oversee projects, and much more. Our goal in the end is to bring about and implement new ideas.

Office of the Rectorate


Johannes Kepler University Linz
Altenberger Straße 69
A-4040 Linz/Austria


Schloss Auhof, 2nd Floor


+43 732 2468 3369

Our Team.

Office Management



E-Mail Address

Mag. Magdalena Neuhofer





Name Position Extension E-Mail Address
Stefanie Kartusch, B.A. Assistant to the Rector 3361 stefanie.kartusch(at)jku.at
Birgit Rabeder, BSc MSc Assistant to the Rector 3367 birgit.rabeder(at)jku.at
Sarah Zarrasi Administration 3369 rektor(at)jku.at
Pia Herzog Administration 3362 pia.herzog(at)jku.at
Martina Hochradl Administration 3364 bdr(at)jku.at
Kerstin Kastner (currently on leave) Administration 3364 bdr(at)jku.at
Dominik Zoitl Chauffeur 3319 dominik.zoitl(at)jku.at


Office of Managing Professorial Appointments


Name Room Extension E-Mail Address
Mag. Florian Micko S0005 3329 berufungsmanagement(at)jku.at


Office of Strategic Interorganizational Collaboration


Name Room Extension E-Mail Address
Carolin Aichhorn, M.A. S0005 3327 carolin.aichhorn(at)jku.at