
JKU Logo am Campus

Information Regarding the Assault, JKU Campus

JKU Rector Meinhard Lukas addresses colleagues and students after yesterday's attack on a JKU professor.

Michael Pötscher (Linzer Bier)

The JKU Launches a New Alumni Podcast Series

Episodes in the new JKU podcast series, "Hörsaal Ausblicke", will feature hosts Marion Draxler and Christoph Kinast chatting with Johannes Kepler…

EIT Culture & Creativity

The JKU is Lead Partner within the Innovation Community

As such, the JKU serves as a driving force behind a winning consortium vying for an EU submission worth millions of euros.

Impressions from the 4th JKU medTALK

Watch the 4th JKU medTALK

"A Flight Simulator for the Brain": What once sounded like science fiction is becoming a reality at Johannes Kepler University Linz.

Erik Hansen wearing VR goggles

Innovation: A Master Class Using VR

By means of VR, Prof. Erik Hansen illustrates how global companies can meet – and profit from - sustainability goals.

Actress Theresa Martini as contemporary witness Inge Ginsberg (working photo)

The JKU Circus of Knowledge presents: "Zehn Zeugen sajnen mir gewesn" (We Were Ten Witnesses)

How will we be able to learn about - and remember - the Holocaust once the last living eyewitnesses are gone?

F.l.: Assoc. Prof. Alessandra Operamolla (Univ. of Pisa), Dr. Mateusz Bednorz, Prof. Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci (head of the Institute of Physical Chemistry), Dr. Cigdem Yumusak, Assist. Prof. Mihai Irimia-Vladu, and Cristian Vlad Irimia (JKU); Photo credit: DI Katarina Gugujonovic

Transforming Waste into a Resource: Research at the JKU Taps into Lignin to Support a "Green Revolution"

An international partnership spearheaded by the JKU aims to eliminate the annual incineration of 80 million tons of lignin.

From left: Vice-Rector Alberta Bonanni, Gerald Roman Berger-Weber, Wolfgang Gruber, Dean Kurt Schlacher; Photo credit: JKU

Inaugural Lectures: Introducing Professors at the Faculty of Engineering & Natural Sciences

On January 30, the JKU hosted traditional inaugural lectures by new professors at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences JKU.

F.l.: Armando Rastelli, Christian Schimpf and Saimon Covre da Silva; Photo credit: JKU

JKU Researchers Extend the Storage Time of Quantum Information in Semiconductor Nanostructures

All over the world, governments and companies are conducting research to create a new type of computer - quantum computers. The road to commercial…