
Rudolf Winter-Ebmer; Credit: JKU

Publication Ranking: Economics at the JKU Enjoys Tremendous Research Success

The JKU is ahead of the rest of Austria in a publication ranking in terms of points per capita.


Invitation to Job Talks: Chair of the History of Private Law and Romance Studies

The publicly accessible job talks will take place on Monday, December 18, and Tuesday, December 19, in HS 4.

The Christian Doppler Laboratory CDL-n-phase team; Photo credit: JKU

A Successful Five-Year Evaluation for the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Nanoscale Phase Transformation

There was a particularly special emphasis on the research findings and team performance.

Professor Schöfberger

Revolutionary Advances Utilizing CO2: Research at the JKU Facilitates Efficient Conversion

Successfully converting climate-damaging CO2 into a useful resource might be an important solution in tackling the climate crisis.

Johannes Brandstetter; Credit: JKU

Goodbye, Amsterdam: AI Researcher Brandstetter Returns to the JKU

Assist. Professor Dr. Johannes Brandstetter recently returned from Amsterdam to the JKU and is now once again conducting research at the Institute for…

F.l.: Ullrich, Bonanni; photo credit: JKU

Mario Ullrich Presented with his Venia Docendi/Habilitation Certificate

Vice-Rector Alberta Bonanni presented Dipl.-Math. Dr. Mario Ullrich with his Venia Docendi/Habilitation Certificate

The 2023 Linz Science Slam

The Linz Science Slam, featuring Many JKU Hopefuls

Researchers and scholars enthralled the Posthof audience with their fascinating, fun, and inspiring presentations.

Students visiting the Federal Fiscal Court; Photo credit: JKU

Students Invited to the Federal Fiscal Court

Law students take part in a legal hearing to experience real-world practices in law.

Professor Schöfberger

A €16 Million Project between the JKU and Industrial Companies to Reduce CO2 Emissions

The solution could be alcohol after all: The JKU has introduced a revolutionary process to convert CO2 into industrial alcohol or gases.