Master's Degree in Polymer Engineering and Science (PES).

Expand on your scientific and engineering background by earning a Master's degree in Polymer Engineering and Science (PES). Embark on an exciting career in polymer production, plastics processing, or R&D!

The Master's degree program in Polymer Engineering and Science (PES) offered at the Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU) expands on the curriculum for the JKU's Bachelor's degree program in "Sustainable Plastics Engineering & a Circular Economy". The program is taught in English.


Alongside your in-depth understanding of polymer materials and testing, plastics processing, polymer product engineering, polymer chemistry and chemical engineering, and lightweight construction/structures, you acquire expertise in state-of-the-art science and technology.

Students can hone their problem-solving skills and successfully address issues in plastics engineering as well as scientific challenges while also learning how to collaborate and communicate effectively across disciplines in an international industrial or academic environment. Students have the option to study abroad for one semester.

You can expect outstanding job prospects both in industry and research! Become a part of the solution!


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Dipl. Ing. (JKU) or DI (JKU)


4 semesters


120 credits


English (Level B2)



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What Makes the Master's Degree Program in Polymer Engineering and Science Special

  • A state-of-the-art degree program focusing on Polymer Engineering and Science. The latest scientific and research approaches based on sustainable plastics technology, a circular economy, and enhanced through extensive digitalization aspects.
  • Actively practiced interdisciplinary approaches at the JKU and a strong international industry and science network even during your Master's degree program.
  • The JKU provides support services to pursue an optional study-abroad semester.

JKU graduates talk about their professions in the plastics industry

Sophie Pachner, a JKU graduate holding a degree in plastics engineering, is currently pursuing a professional career at the Erema Group. See our JKU YouTube account, opens an external URL in a new window to watch more videos of what our graduates are doing!

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The Program Structure: Polymer Engineering and Science

Content ECTS Credits
Mandatory Subject Areas: Polymeric Materials and Testing, Polymer Product Engineering, Polymer Processing, Scienctific and Future Skills 63
Elective Subject Areas: System Monitoring and Data Science, Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Physics of Materials and Materials Science, Process Technologies and Modelling, Computational Engineering, Mechanical Design and Engineering, Management and Business Administration, Polymer Industry and Sustainable Development 18
Electives 12
Master's Thesis (incl. the seminar) 25
Master's Examination 2
Total 120

Graduates from the degree programs in Mechanical Engineering or Medical Engineering may be admitted to the Master's degree program in PES by taking their own "bridging" subjects (max. 18 ECTS credits), thereby bypassing the mandatory electives.

Detailed information about the Master's degree program and the required courses will be available shortly in the JKU course catalog/curriculum.

The Curriculum and the Course Catalog

The curriculum and the course catalog provide detailed information about the degree program requirements and mandatory courses.


The PES Program's Main Areas of Focus

The Master's degree program in Polymer Engineering and Science will educate you as a professional expert in the sustainable development, design, production, application and recycling plastics and plastic components. You will focus on the following questions:

  • How could we design and manufacture sustainable and recyclable products using plastics?
  • How can we use simulation and data science to optimize processing and recycling technologies and minimize their carbon footprint? How could we continuously monitor and control these processes in an energy-efficient way to turn recycled biopolymers and post-consumer materials into new, high-quality products?
  • How can we adapt and apply testing methods when using bioplastics and recycled materials?
  • How can we modify plastics chemically and physically so that they stay in the materials cycle for as long as possible? What kind of recycling methods (mechanical, chemical, thermal) work best for which types of plastics and plastic components?
  • Which types of plastics could serve as key materials to better support sustainable energy technologies?
  • What kind of management skills would help to successfully launch one's professional career?

What you will learn at the university studying Polymer Engineering and Science

Graduates holding a Master's degree in Polymer Engineering and Science (PES) are qualified experts and possess:

  • a broad background in engineering and natural sciences and advanced expertise in key areas of polymer engineering and science.
  • comprehensive expertise in experimental, empirical and computational methods across a wide range of aspects in polymer engineering and science.
  • outstanding problem-solving skills with regard to polymer technology and science.
  • experience working and communicating across disciplines within an international industrial and academic environment, backed in particular by a voluntary study-abroad semester.
  • Experience in developing, drafting, and presenting research projects based on strategies in the field of plastics technology and/or market conditions.

"Did you know that...?"

The LIT Factory network at the JKU is your educational, learning, and research factory focusing on smart polymer processing and digitalization.

Your Career Prospects

Graduates of the degree program Polymer Engineering and Science are highly sought after and are ideally qualified to pursue a wide range of careers at industrial companies, at businesses, and at other institutions:

  • In the plastics industry (including plastics manufacturing and processing companies as well as machinery and product suppliers in the plastics industry
  • Within industries utilizing plastics and polymeric materials, such as packaging, construction, the automotive industry, electronic accessories and electrical engineering, sports and recreation equipment, the aerospace industry, power generation, medical technologies, etc.
  • At agencies and regulatory bureaus regulating the use of polymer materials and products (such as certifying agencies, government ministries, patent offices, etc.)

Today's economic environment would be unimaginable without products and technologies that are based on polymer materials. Their innovative potential is truly unlimited. In line with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), graduates of the PES degree program can also pursue the following career opportunities

  • Positions in academia, at public or private research institutions, or pursue a more advanced degree and earn a doctorate degree in Technical Sciences.
  • Launch a start-up company in the production sector, or as a service provider, or serving as a qualified consultant at engineering offices or at technology transfer centers

You will contribute significantly toward sustainable developments and applications in polymer technologies within industry and research. You will be capable of working for companies serving international customers and working effectively as part of an intercultural team, able to flexibly adapt to changing market conditions and emerging scientific and technological developments in the field of polymer engineering and science.

On average, graduates in this field are able to find a job approximately three months after successfully completing the program.


„When it comes to energy transition, a low CO² footprint, and countless other applications, plastics are key materials and imagining our everyday lives without it is impossible. We aim to educate qualified engineers who can sustainably design plastic applications and improve their recyclability. Digitizing production is also the key to success.“
Univ. Prof. DI Dr.mont. Gerald Berger-Weber
[Translate to Englisch:] Gerald Berger-Weber

Register to Enroll


In order to be admitted to the Master's degree program, you must fulfill the following requirements.

  • Language certification proving a B2 level of proficiency in English
  • The Master's degree program expands on content from the Bachelor's degree program, "Sustainable Polymer Engineering & a Circular Economy" offered at the JKU. Those who have successfully completed this degree program can be admitted to this Master's degree program without any further requirements.
  • Graduates holding a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering or Medical Engineering may be admitted to the program and subject to a minimum of additional requirements.
  • Applicants holding similar undergraduate degrees earned at a recognized post-secondary or tertiary educational institution in Austria or abroad, and considered comparable in scope and content, may be admitted to the Master's degree program "Polymer Engineering and Science", providing their degree is similar to the Bachelor's degree program "Sustainable Plastics Engineering & a Circular Economy" offered at the JKU. Students may be required to take supplementary examinations of up to 40 ECTS credits before the end of the second semester of the Master's degree program in order to bridge any gaps in regard to material.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Master's degree program in Polymer Engineering & Sciences builds on the Bachelor's degree program, preparing you to become an interdisciplinary, technical and scientific expert capable of solving problems in industry and science, whereas the Master's degree program in Sustainability and Plastics Management focuses on socio-economic, political, and macrosocial skills, educating you as a transdisciplinary expert capable of addressing social challenges by means of technical (plastics) solutions.

Sustainability and Plastics Management (SPM) involves a well-rounded approach to balancing courses in management and plastics engineering with the opportunity to individually prioritize between the two. Polymer Engineering and Science (PES), on the other hand, focuses primarily on technical subject areas.

Still Have Questions?

Do you need help registering or do you have questions about the program? Contact the JKU's Office of Student Information and Academic Advising (SIBS)!

Advanced Degree Programs

After completing your graduate degree, you can continue your education by pursuing an advanced degree:


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