News Archive.


2019 EDISON Award Presented to JKU Spin-Off Company

Start-up company datavisyn was presented with the special award for "digitization".

studierende beim arbeiten

Prostheses: New Sensors Improve Control through Thoughts

JKU researchers in Linz have developed a new type of sensor that greatly increases prosthetic quality.


New Teacher Education Service Center

New central service center for student teachers in Linz (LiLeS).

koch mit gitarre und clown

The National Science Slam Title Goes to the JKU

This is the JKU’s third has national Science Slam title.


JKU Researcher Presented with Upper Austrian State Award

Prof. Reinhold Priewasser (Institute of Corporate and Regional Environmental Management) was presented with the Upper Austrian State Award for his…


TourGuide Research Project

Personalized medicine via a navigation system designed to acquire and analyze complex clinical information.


Digital Twins

Univ. Prof. Manuel Wimmer (Institute for Business Informatics and Software Engineering) addressed one of the key central technologies of Industry 4.0…


Success for the JKU and Economic Chamber of Upper Austria at International Competition

The 10th annual international student start-up competition "ebmc" took place at the Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart. The two-day competition hosted…

[Translate to Englisch:]

Prestigious Award Presented to JKU Physicist

Moritz Brehm (Institute for Semiconductor and Solid State Physics) was presented with the START Award for junior researchers.