Subject Area Offered in German only | ECTS Credits |
Forschungs- & Evaluationsmethoden | 10 |
Psychologische Diagnostik | 11 |
| 24 |
Projektarbeit / Kommunikation wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse | 5 |
Do you track your workouts or stream music online? How does digitalization impact your health and occupational environment? This comprehensive graduate degree program combines conventional studies in psychology with practical applications that are a part of a digital society.
On one hand, the program provides conventional, base-knowledge education and a sound background in psychology focused on the human experience and human behavior as individuals and in groups as well as corresponding influences on individuals and on groups over an entire lifespan. Objectives include the ability to:
In addition, the program focuses on THE challenges all scientific disciplines currently face: Constant change processess in business, technology, society and culture as well as their impact on individuals, groups, and organization.
This is where the JKU Master's degree in Psychology builds bridges: You can acquire expertise and the strong skills needed set to help shape, drive and steer current change processes humanely and in a way that supports our well-being.
Key Facts
Master of Science (MSc)
4 Semesters
120 Credits
German (Level C1),
individual seminars and option to submit thesis in English
As part of the Master’s degree program, students are required to complete courses totaling 120 ECTS credits in the following areas.
Subject Area Offered in German only | ECTS Credits |
Forschungs- & Evaluationsmethoden | 10 |
Psychologische Diagnostik | 11 |
| 24 |
Projektarbeit / Kommunikation wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse | 5 |
Courses offered in German only.
Subject Area | ECTS Credits |
Grundlagenvertiefung (zwei Fächer zu je 6 ECTS zur freien Wahl)
| 12 |
Ergänzungsfächer | 6 |
Subject Area | ECTS Credits |
Begleitveranstaltung zur Praxis | 10 |
Praxis |
All courses are in German only.
Subject Area | ECTS Credits |
Begleitlehrveranstaltungen zur Masterarbeit | 30 |
Masterarbeit | |
Masterprüfung |
All courses are in German only.
Subject Area | ECTS Crecits |
Freie Studienleistungen | 12 |
If you would like to learn more about the Master's degree program in Psychology, we strongly recommend taking a look at the course catalog / curriculum.
The Master's degree program in Psychology at the JKU focuses on providing students with sound methodological expertise, real-world practices, as well as opportunities for hands-on experiences in fields of technology and business: the theoretical conception, application and evaluation of
You will acquire
The JKU Master's degree program in Psychology fulfills the substantive recommendations as outlined by the German Psychological Society for a general Master's degree in Psychology with a specialized focus.
We have designed the Master's degree in Psychology at the JKU to include a strong focus on methodological foundations. This opens the doors to a variety of professional fields, including:
On average, graduates in this field find a job immediately after completing the program. After 3 years on the job, their average monthly gross salary is € 3.127.
In order to be admitted to the Master's degree program, you must fulfill the following requirements:
Still Have Questions?
Then contact us!
Admissions Office
Here is a step-by-step guide to the admissions procedure beginning with entering your personal information to paying tuition fees! We have also summarized all of the important information about the admissions procedure for you.
The Master's degree program Psychology at the Johannes Kepler University is a general psychology degree program with a specialized focus of application. This means you have a sound general education in psychological methods and theories, but with an emphasis on applying psychological insights in technological and economic fields.
Many degree programs in Economic or Business Psychology have been designed to complement a non-psychology undergraduate degree program such as Business Administration or Economics. These programs usually focus on economics and/or interdisciplinary education with insights into the field of psychology.
In contrast, the Master's degree program at the JKU is an "academic degree program in Psychology" in a strict sense. In accordance with the Austrian Psychologists Act, program graduates are "psychologists" and during the program, students acquire the necessary educational basis for post-graduate studies in health or clinical psychology. They are therefore free to choose a profession from the full range of psychological careers. Graduates can pursue professions directly in business or technical fields or at the interface between these areas and "conventional" areas, such as health psychology or psychological assessment.
Click here, opens an external URL in a new window for guidelines ranging from how to register online to enroll to how to pay tuition fees. Let us help you start your studies!
Do you need help registering or do you have questions about the program? Contact the JKU's Office of Student Information and Academic Advising (SIBS)!
We have staff members on hand to answer any questions you may have about the program. Do not hesitate to contact us if you require more detailed information.
After successfully completing the Master's degree program, you can opt to pursue a doctorate degree:
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